
Story tracker wow legion
Story tracker wow legion

story tracker wow legion

I recommend soloing and watching videos for major storylines such as the fall of the Lich King or the Old God stuff. You can either read about how they are eventually resolved, or go back and solo the related instances when you are max level to witness the endings unfold. The most important stories are completed in instances (dungeons and raids). Remember that you don't actually finish storylines while leveling. Vanilla (removed) - Outland - Northrend - Cata - Pandaria - Wod - Legion After Pandaria, the game's chronological pace is correct.Ĭata - Outland/Northrend - Cata/Pandaria - Wod - Legion All you need to know is that levels 60-80 take place chronologically before 1-60.Īfter you are 80, you will either choose high level Cata zones that take place after 1-60, or Pandaria, which happens after Cata. In essence, you will go back in time, but the game wont tell you that.

story tracker wow legion

So, when you hit level 60, you will have the option to go either Outland (Burning Crusade) or Northrend (Wrath of the Lich King). Vanilla leveling content was removed from the game due to the world revamp back in Cata. Unfortunately, you aren't playing Vanilla, you are playing Cataclysm. And Argus, though those story quests aren't quite as good. Then there are the Illidan story quests, too. That improves a bit in Warlords of Draenor, and then really reaches its apex in Legion, as not only do the zones tell parts of a connected story, but you have your Class Order Hall story as well. Really, it isn't until Mists of Pandaria that you start to see a cohesive, progression story. Same with the 5 highest level Cataclysm zones. The zones are a bit better connected in terms of theme, though. Northrend starts to have something of a cohesive story, but it's spread out over the entire continent. Likewise, Outland zones are pretty self contained. Each zone is relatively self contained, though some higher zones reference lower ones. Chronologically, 1-60 takes place after the Cataclysm (since those zones were revamped during the Cataclysm expansion.) There's no set path you're supposed to take through them, though. I'm sorry to say that there really is no story progression at all from 1-60. So once again, is there something that I need to complete in order to say that my vanilla story is complete before I move on to Burning Crusade? My progression so far in terms of zones is as follows: Elwynn Forest Westfall Loch Modan(this seemed odd to me, since it's nowhere near where I thought I should be, yet I still had a quest telling me to go talk to an NPC in that area that I had overlevelled by the time I finished Westfall) Redridge Mountains Duskwood Stranglethorn Swamp of Sorrows Burning Steppes Searing Gorge(where I am currently questing) Until I complete the vanilla story line, I feel that I cannot move on to BC and WotLK expansions and their own quest lines. Why am I adventuring? When do I fight for the alliance as a faction, instead of just being a citizen that likes adventuring? Who is the big baddie of vanilla, who's gonna ask me to beat him and when? All I know is that sometimes I get sent to a new area where I start a brand new questline for that area, and only sometimes I get returning characters(looking at you Keeshan) that could help piece things together. The main plot that directs you from area to area as the writers designed it seems to be missing, or maybe I missed it. I am aware that WoW is not really about your own personal story as much as you being part of an overall story, and I do enjoy that each zone has it's own story arc, but I really cannot find the proverbial "carrot on a stick" aspect of the story. I'm in the mud when it comes to when I should tackle each area of the game and how it places itself within my story as a Human Warrior.


However, I like to enjoy the full story in every game I play for the first time, and complete it as the writers designed it, and that's where the line gets blurry. I love the game and the people I've met so far. I've started a Human Warrior and levelled to 60 via questing, dungeons and some battlegrounds. I'm a first time WoW player but not new to MMOs.

Story tracker wow legion